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530 lines
* @(#)WServer.java 1.78 95/05/13 Sami Shaio
* Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
* and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without
* fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
* appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html"
* for further important copyright and licensing information.
package awt;
import awt.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Linker;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* WServer is the class that interacts directly with the native GUI
* system. The set of native methods it contains defines the
* platform-independent api that must be implemented for all the
* platforms it is to run on. Because the platform may necessitate
* a different division between what is native or not (and what is
* synchronized or not), this file is platform-dependent. However, all
* of the public awt classes are always the same and implemented only in
* Java.
* @version 1.78 13 May 1995
* @author Sami Shaio
public class WServer extends Thread {
public static WServer theServer;
* Use this field to create new fonts.
* @see FontTable
public FontTable fonts;
/** Constructs a new WServer. */
public WServer() {
super("AWT WServer Thread");
theServer = this;
/** Starts the thread but waits until it's done initializing */
synchronized public void start() {
fonts = new FontTable();
public void run() {
/* Initializes server data in the C-level code. */
native void pInit();
* First notifies the thread that starts the server
* that initialization is complete.
* Then enters an infinite loop that retrieves and processes events.
native void eventLoop();
/* <<replaced the following code that also works on Chicago -chan>>
public WServer() {
super("AWT WServer Thread");
fonts = new FontTable();
public native void run();
native synchronized void pInit();
public native synchronized void sync();
/* Button methods */
native synchronized void buttonMoveTo(Button b,
int x,
int y);
native synchronized void buttonReshape(Button b,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
native synchronized void buttonCreate(Button b,
String label,
Image normalImage,
Image pressedImage,
Image disabledImage,
Window parent);
native synchronized void buttonShow(Button b);
native synchronized void buttonHide(Button b);
native synchronized void buttonDispose(Button b);
native synchronized void buttonEnable(Button b);
native synchronized void buttonDisable(Button b);
/* Color methods */
native synchronized void colorCreate(Color c);
/* File Dialog methods */
native synchronized String fileDialogChooseFile(FileDialog f,
String initialValue);
native synchronized void fileDialogCreate(FileDialog f,
String title,
Frame parent);
native synchronized void fileDialogDispose(FileDialog f);
/* Font methods */
native synchronized void fontDispose(Font f);
native synchronized int fontStringWidth(WSFontMetrics fm, String s);
native synchronized int fontCharsWidth(WSFontMetrics fm,
char data[],
int off,
int len);
native synchronized int fontBytesWidth(WSFontMetrics fm,
byte data[],
int off,
int len);
native synchronized void loadFontMetrics(Window w, WSFontMetrics fm);
private Hashtable fontmetrics = new Hashtable();
public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Window w, Font f) {
if (f == null) {
return null;
// REMIND: Hashing should include some component of the window.
// Font Metrics may depend on the "class" of the window (printer
// or screen, for instance).
String fName = fonts.compoundName(f.family, f.style, f.size);
FontMetrics fm = (FontMetrics) fontmetrics.get(fName);
if (fm == null) {
fm = new WSFontMetrics(w, f);
fontmetrics.put(fName, fm);
return fm;
/* Frame methods */
native synchronized void frameShow(Frame f);
native synchronized void frameHide(Frame f);
native synchronized void frameSetDefaultFont(Frame f, Font font);
native synchronized void frameSetTitle(Frame f, String title);
native synchronized void frameSetIconImage(Frame f, Image image);
native synchronized void frameCreate(Frame f,
boolean hasTitleBar,
boolean isModal,
Frame parentFrame,
int width,
int height,
Color bg);
native synchronized void frameDispose(Frame f);
native synchronized void frameReshape(Frame f, int x, int y, int w, int h);
native synchronized void frameSetMinSize(Frame f, int width, int height);
native synchronized boolean frameHasStatusBar(Frame f);
native synchronized void frameShowStatusBar(Frame f, boolean show);
native synchronized boolean frameShowingStatusBar(Frame f);
native synchronized void frameSetStatusMessage(Frame f, String message);
/* Graphics methods */
native synchronized void graphicsCreate(Graphics g, Window w);
native synchronized void imageGraphicsCreate(Graphics g, Image im);
native synchronized void graphicsDispose(Graphics g);
native synchronized void graphicsSetFont(Graphics g, Font f);
native synchronized void graphicsSetForeground(Graphics g, Color c);
native synchronized void graphicsSetBackground(Graphics g, Color c);
native synchronized void graphicsClearRect(Graphics g,
int X, int Y, int W, int H);
native synchronized void graphicsFillRect(Graphics g,
int X, int Y, int W, int H);
native synchronized void graphicsDrawRect(Graphics g,
int X, int Y, int W, int H);
native synchronized void graphicsDrawString(Graphics g,
String str, int x, int y);
native synchronized void graphicsDrawChars(Graphics g, char chars[],
int offset, int length,
int x, int y);
native synchronized void graphicsDrawBytes(Graphics g, byte bytes[],
int offset, int length,
int x, int y);
native synchronized int graphicsDrawStringWidth(Graphics g,
String str, int x, int y);
native synchronized int graphicsDrawCharsWidth(Graphics g, char chars[],
int offset, int length,
int x, int y);
native synchronized int graphicsDrawBytesWidth(Graphics g, byte bytes[],
int offset, int length,
int x, int y);
native synchronized void graphicsDrawLine(Graphics g,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
native synchronized void graphicsClipRect(Graphics g,
int x, int y, int w, int h);
native synchronized void graphicsClearClip(Graphics g);
native synchronized void graphicsSetOrigin(Graphics g, int x, int y);
native synchronized void graphicsSetScaling(Graphics g,
float sx, float sy);
native synchronized void graphicsCopyArea(Graphics g,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
int dx,
int dy);
native synchronized void graphicsDrawImage(Graphics g,
Image I,
int X, int Y);
/* Image methods */
native synchronized void imageCreate(Image I, DIBitmap dib);
native synchronized void offscreenImageCreate(Image I, int w, int h);
native synchronized void scaledImageCreate(Image I, DIBitmap dib,
int srcx, int srcy,
int srcw, int srch,
int dstw, int dsth);
native synchronized void bitmapRetrieve(Image I, DIBitmap dib);
native synchronized void imageDispose(Image i);
/* Label methods */
native synchronized void labelMoveTo(Label b,
int x,
int y);
native synchronized void labelSetText(Label b,
String label);
native synchronized void labelCreate(Label b,
String label,
Window parent,
Font font);
native synchronized void labelDispose(Label b);
native synchronized void labelSetColor(Label b, Color c);
native synchronized void labelSetFont(Label b, Font f);
native synchronized void labelReshape(Label b,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
native synchronized void labelDimensions(Label s);
native synchronized void labelShow(Label s);
native synchronized void labelHide(Label s);
/* MessageDialog methods */
native synchronized void messageDialogCreate(MessageDialog m,
Frame f,
String title,
String message,
int dialogType,
int nButtons,
boolean isModal,
String okLabel,
String cancelLabel,
String helpLabel);
native synchronized void messageDialogSetMessage(MessageDialog m,
String message);
native synchronized int mesageDialogShow(MessageDialog m);
native synchronized void mesageDialogHide(MessageDialog m);
native synchronized void messageDialogDispose(MessageDialog m);
/* Menu methods */
native synchronized void menuCreate(Menu m,
String title,
MenuBar mb,
boolean tearOff);
native synchronized void menuDispose(Menu m);
native synchronized void menuShow(Menu m);
native synchronized void menuHide(Menu m);
native synchronized void menuAddSeparator(Menu m);
/* MenuBar methods */
native synchronized void menuBarCreate(MenuBar mb, Frame f);
native synchronized void menuBarDispose(MenuBar mb);
/* MenuItem methods */
native synchronized void menuItemEnable(MenuItem m);
native synchronized void menuItemDisable(MenuItem m);
native synchronized void menuItemSetMark(MenuItem m, boolean t);
native synchronized boolean menuItemGetMark(MenuItem m);
native synchronized void menuItemCreate(MenuItem m,
String label,
Menu menu,
boolean isToggle);
native synchronized void menuItemDispose(MenuItem m);
/* OptionMenu methods */
native synchronized void optionMenuCreate(OptionMenu s,
Window p,
String l);
native synchronized void optionMenuDispose(OptionMenu s);
native synchronized void optionMenuMoveTo(OptionMenu s,
int x,
int y);
native synchronized void optionMenuShow(OptionMenu s);
native synchronized void optionMenuHide(OptionMenu s);
native synchronized void optionMenuAddItem(OptionMenu s,
String item,
int index);
native synchronized void optionMenuAddSeparator(OptionMenu s,
int sIndex);
native synchronized void optionMenuSelect(OptionMenu s,
int index);
native synchronized void optionMenuReshape(OptionMenu s,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
native synchronized void optionMenuDimensions(OptionMenu s);
/* Scrollbar methods */
native synchronized int scrollbarMinimum(Scrollbar s);
native synchronized int scrollbarMaximum(Scrollbar s);
native synchronized int scrollbarValue(Scrollbar s);
native synchronized void scrollbarCreate(Scrollbar s,
Window parent,
int orientation,
boolean manageScrollbar);
native synchronized void scrollbarDispose(Scrollbar s);
native synchronized void scrollbarShow(Scrollbar s);
native synchronized void scrollbarHide(Scrollbar s);
native synchronized void scrollbarMoveTo(Scrollbar s, int x, int y);
native synchronized void scrollbarSetValues(Scrollbar s,
int newValue,
int visible,
int minimum,
int maximum);
native synchronized void scrollbarReshape(Scrollbar s, int x, int y,
int w, int h);
/* TextArea methods */
native synchronized void textAreaCreate(TextArea t,
Window p,
Font font,
int columns,
int rows);
native synchronized void textAreaSetEditable(TextArea t,
boolean e);
native synchronized void textAreaSetColor(TextArea t, Color c);
native synchronized void textAreaSetBackColor(TextArea t, Color c);
native synchronized int textAreaCursorPos(TextArea t);
native synchronized void textAreaSetCursorPos(TextArea t,
int pos);
native synchronized int textAreaEndPos(TextArea t);
native synchronized void textAreaSetText(TextArea t,
String txt);
native synchronized String textAreaGetText(TextArea t);
native synchronized void textAreaInsertText(TextArea t,
String txt,
int pos);
native synchronized void textAreaReplaceText(TextArea t,
String txt,
int start,
int end);
native synchronized void textAreaDispose(TextArea t);
native synchronized void textAreaMoveTo(TextArea t,
int x,
int y);
native synchronized void textAreaReshape(TextArea t,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
native synchronized void textAreaShow(TextArea t);
native synchronized void textAreaHide(TextArea t);
/* List methods */
native synchronized void listCreate(List l,
Window parent,
ChoiceHandler handler,
int visibleLines,
boolean multipleSelections,
boolean resizable);
native synchronized boolean listIsSelected(List l,int pos);
native synchronized void listAddItem(List l, String item);
native synchronized void listSetNVisible(List l, int nLines);
native synchronized void listDelItems(List l, int start, int end);
native synchronized void listSelect(List l, int pos);
native synchronized void listDeselect(List l, int pos);
native synchronized void listMakeVisible(List l,int pos);
native synchronized void listMoveTo(List l, int x, int y);
native synchronized void listReshape(List l,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
native synchronized void listDispose(List l);
native synchronized void listShow(List l);
native synchronized void listHide(List l);
native synchronized void listDimensions(List l);
/* TextField methods */
native synchronized void textFieldCreate(TextField t,
String initValue,
Window parent,
boolean editable);
native synchronized void textFieldSetEditable(TextField t,
boolean editable);
native synchronized void textFieldDispose(TextField t);
native synchronized void textFieldSetText(TextField t, String l);
native synchronized void textFieldMoveTo(TextField t,
int x,
int y);
native synchronized String textFieldGetText(TextField t);
native synchronized void textFieldSetColor(TextField t, Color c);
native synchronized void textFieldSetBackColor(TextField t, Color c);
native synchronized void textFieldShow(TextField t);
native synchronized void textFieldHide(TextField t);
native synchronized void textFieldSetFont(TextField t, Font f);
native synchronized void textFieldSetEchoCharacter(TextField t,
char c);
native synchronized void textFieldReshape(TextField b,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
/* Toggle methods */
public native synchronized void toggleSetState(Toggle t, boolean state);
public native synchronized boolean toggleGetState(Toggle t);
public native synchronized void toggleMoveTo(Toggle t, int x, int y);
native synchronized void toggleCreate(Toggle t,
String label,
Window parent,
RadioGroup group,
boolean initialState);
native synchronized void toggleDispose(Toggle t);
native synchronized void toggleShow(Toggle t);
native synchronized void toggleHide(Toggle t);
native synchronized void toggleReshape(Toggle b,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h);
/* Window methods */
native synchronized void windowSetMargin(Window w, int margin);
native synchronized int windowWidth(Window w);
native synchronized int windowHeight(Window w);
native synchronized void windowMoveTo(Window w, int x, int y);
native synchronized void windowReshape(Window w, int x, int y,int wd, int ht);
native synchronized void windowEnablePointerMotionEvents(Window w);
native synchronized void windowDisablePointerMotionEvents(Window w);
native synchronized void windowDimensions(Window s);
native synchronized void windowCreate(Window w,
Window parent,
boolean trackMotion,
Color bg,
int width, int height);
native synchronized void windowCreateInFrame(Window w,
Frame parent,
boolean trackMotion,
Color bg,
int width, int height);
native synchronized void windowDispose(Window w);
native synchronized void windowShow(Window w);
native synchronized void windowHide(Window w);
native synchronized void windowScrollWindow(Window w, int dx, int dy);
static {
/* <<moved code to run method -chan>>
Linker.loadLibrary("awt"); */
int pData;